Dear All,

This is a reminder to you that FEMS would appreciate you and your Member Societies continued support to help promote the call for nominations for candidates to join its Board of Directors. FEMS is excited to offer an opportunity for three dedicated individuals to join its Board of Directors as Board members, beginning 1 Janaury 2025. As a vital pillar of our organization, the Board plays a pivotal role in guiding the direction and initiatives of FEMS, impacting the broader microbiology community and helping to shape the future of microbiology. 

So if you are able to please help to continue to spread the word for nominations by:

  • Promoting the call during the vacancy period via your social media channels.
  • Contacting individuals, you think would be good for the role within your network, providing them with the Nomination Information Pack and encouraging them to apply.
  • Be open about who interested parties can contact in your Society (should they seek a letter of support from your Society).
  • Encourage interested parties to contact FEMS to discuss the positions.

Deadline and how to apply

Applications are open until 17:00 Central European Time (CET) on Friday 14 June 2024.

More information on the benefits and skills FEMS is seeking for prospective candidates can be found by going to our website and in the Nomination Information Pack.

To apply applicants should email the FEMS Election Committee submitting the following items:

  1. a supporting letter from two FEMS Member Societies
  2. their CV
  3. a brief covering letter highlighting why they are applying for the role and how they feel their skills and experience can contribute to FEMS.

Frequently asked questions

  • Can FEMS Member Societies support more than one candidate? – Yes! We want to ensure that the maximum number of suitable candidates can apply for the position.
  • What are the titles/roles of the three Board Members positions? – The three Board Members FEMS are seeking are for general Board members positions without a portfolio. Within the role a candidate will engage with the Executive Director and the FEMS Office, volunteers, and the global microbiology community to help enhance our public standing. Board members may also be asked to play an active role as the liaison with a subcommittee(s) of FEMS, based on their area of expertise or experience.

Should you have any further questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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Delegat PTM do FEMS i IUMS

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O Towarzystwie

Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologów Celem Polskiego Towarzystwa Mikrobiologów jest propagowanie rozwoju nauk mikrobiologicznych i popularyzowanie osiągnięć mikrobiologii wśród członków Towarzystwa oraz szerokich kręgów społeczeństwa. Formami działalności jest organizowanie zjazdów, posiedzeń naukowych, kursów, wykładów i odczytów oraz konkursów prac naukowych; wydawanie i popieranie wydawania czasopism naukowych, książek i innych publikacji z dziedziny mikrobiologii; opiniowanie o stanie i potrzebach mikrobiologii polskiej i występowanie w jej sprawach wobec władz państwowych; współpraca z pokrewnymi stowarzyszeniami w kraju i zagranicą.
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