ESCMID Affiliated Society Corner 2025

ESCMID Global, 11-15 April 2025, Vienna, Austria

Dear Sir or Madam,

We would like to inform you that during the upcoming hybrid ESCMID Global, which will take place in Vienna, Austria, on 11-15 April 2025, we will again arrange an ESCMID Networking Corner (ENC) – Affiliated Society Corner (ASC) at the congress. This will provide an opportunity for ESCMID Global participants to find information about the increasing number of ESCMID study groups, networks, collaborative centers as well as project groups in the fields of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases.

Being the representative of the Polish Society of Microbiologists, we are pleased to inform you that ESCMID will again offer our Affiliated Societies the opportunity to present themselves at ESCMID Global 2025.

This year, we will continue using the successful video format. Videos will be placed on the ESCMID Global platform, as well as onsite on screens where ESCMID Global participants can watch them.

If you wish to send your video, please find all the instructions on this link: ENC/ASC Instruction.

A hybrid ESCMID council meeting is also planned to take place during ESCMID Global 2025, on Monday 14 April 2025, from 13:30 until 15:00 CET; more information will follow at a later stage.

As usual, the ESCMID AS will be granted the following benefits. Important: nominated persons will receive later a link where they can register and select between ESCMID Global on-site or virtual-only participation:

  1. For one AS representative, ESCMID will cover full registration for ESCMID Global 2025 (but no travel or accommodation can be covered from ESCMID side). This person should participate at the ESCMID Council meeting at ESCMID Global (on-site or virtually).
    Interested societies should nominate this representative using the following form by 3 February 2025:
  2. For one ESCMID Young Scientist Member (max. 40 years old), ESCMID will cover registration and provide 500 EUR travel/accommodation allowance. This person shall be selected by the AS themselves. They must have a submitted abstract at ESCMID Global 2025 (could be also submitted during the late regular and late-breaker abstracts submission) but must be a Young Scientist Member of ESCMID or LMIC Member fulfilling the criteria of the Young Scientist Membership.

Interested societies should nominate this Young Scientist representative using the following form by 3 February 2025:

Important deadlines:

28 January 2025: The ESCMID Global platform will be live beginning of February. If you would like your video to be visible from the start of the ESCMID Global platform, please send your video latest by 28 January 2025 to the ESCMID office.

3 February 2025: deadline for registration for AS representative and ESCMID Young Scientist Grantee.

20 March 2025: Final deadline to send the video. All videos sent between 28 January and 20 March will be uploaded on the ESCMID Global platform within two weeks and will be shown at ESCMID Global 2025 (11-15 April 2025).

Kind regards,

ESCMID Global Scientific Secretariat

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O Towarzystwie

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