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Konkurs JPIAMR-ACTION Call 2022

Z przyjemnością informujemy, że sieć JPIAMR Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance ogłosiła kolejny konkurs na międzynarodowe projekty badawcze poświęcone antybiotykooporności pt. Disrupting drug Resistance Using Innovative Design (DRUID).

Zaproszenie do udziału w konkursie skierowane jest w szczególności do zespołów badawczych, które wykorzystają podejście One Health (Jedno Zdrowie) aby prowadzić badania nad terapią przeciwdrobnoustrojową: poprawą skuteczności, specyficzności, metod dostarczania, łączeniem lub zmianą przeznaczenia leków i środków ochrony roślin w leczeniu zakażeń bakteryjnych lub grzybiczych.

Udział polskich naukowców w konkursie będzie finansowany przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki. Rada NCN przeznaczyła na ten cel kwotę 500 000 euro.

Nabór wniosków wstępnych (pre-proposals) rozpoczął się 11 stycznia 2022r. i trwa do 8 marca 2022r.


FEMS Newsletter Listopad 2021

FEMS Conference on Microbiology – Grants FEMS and the Serbian Society for Microbiology (SSM) are inviting all Early Career Scientists to apply for a grant or an award for the upcoming FEMS Conference on Microbiology, taking place from 30 June-2 July 2022 in Belgrade, Serbia!If you are not an Early Career Scientist, please forward this message to your colleagues and peers who might benefit from these opportunities!


ESCMID Weekly News

„ECCMID 2022 Art Gallery – Submit your creative work!Following the success of ECCMID 2021, ESCMID is pleased to host the ECCMID art gallery once again for ECCMID 2022! Visit the website and submit your work, the best pieces will be awarded with free registration to ECCMID 2022, as well as being featured in an onsite exhibition.› Read more 

ESCMID CAREer Grant 2022The call to apply to the ESCMID CAREer Grant 2022 is now open! For the complete funding scheme, eligibility criteria and the application procedure, please visit the official ESCMID CAREer Grant webpageThe deadline to apply is 10 January 2022.› Read more
Public Consultation Phase open for ESCMID Guidelines“ESCMID guidelines on testing for SARS-CoV-2 in asymptomatic individuals to prevent transmission in the healthcare setting” is undergoing public consultation. Check here to participate. The deadline to provide feedback and comments is 31 December 2021.› Read more

Non-biomedical factors affecting antibiotic use in the community. This systematic review explores the multifaceted non-biomedical factors influencing healthcare consumers’ non-prescription antibiotic use and irresponsible antibiotic prescriptions that are prevalent across the world. The results will help to inform future interventions to improve antibiotic use.”

FEMS Microbiology Ecology Webinar on Approaches, Methods and Challenges in Microbiome Research

The continued development of DNA sequencing technologies is providing exciting new capabilities to characterize complex microbial communities in various habitats. This webinar explores some of the new developments and challenges in microbiome research methods and takes a critical look at what we can learn about the inhabitants of diverse microbiomes and their possible functions. Key topics include the concerns with reproducibility and controls in microbiome research, the improvements in Oxford Nanopore long-read sequencing technology, and the role of the microbial rare biosphere.Register Now


We thank you for being an ESCMID Affiliated Society (AS). As in previous years, AS memberships run from January 1 until December 31 of each year. According to our records, Polish Society of Microbiologists () has less than 1000 members. Based on this, your annual membership fee for 2021 is waived.

Important: The payments for the ESCMID AS will change in 2022. For those AS who were not participating in the ESCMID Council Meeting 2021, please find again the link to the Minutes here, where you can find more information about the payment scheme 2022.

As usual, we kindly ask you to forward our weekly newsletter to your members or make relevant information available to them through your website or newsletters.

Additionally, we kindly request that you check your contact details at the ESCMID website and please let the ESCMID Executive Office know of any changes until 3. January 2022:

As general information, please find below links to the ESCMID statutes and bylaws, which build the baseline of our agreement and contain more detailed information about the tasks, responsibilities as well as your benefits of being an ESCMID Affiliated Society.



Wydawnictwa PTM

O Towarzystwie

Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologów Celem Polskiego Towarzystwa Mikrobiologów jest propagowanie rozwoju nauk mikrobiologicznych i popularyzowanie osiągnięć mikrobiologii wśród członków Towarzystwa oraz szerokich kręgów społeczeństwa. Formami działalności jest organizowanie zjazdów, posiedzeń naukowych, kursów, wykładów i odczytów oraz konkursów prac naukowych; wydawanie i popieranie wydawania czasopism naukowych, książek i innych publikacji z dziedziny mikrobiologii; opiniowanie o stanie i potrzebach mikrobiologii polskiej i występowanie w jej sprawach wobec władz państwowych; współpraca z pokrewnymi stowarzyszeniami w kraju i zagranicą.
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Członek Srebrny od 12.09.2017 r.

Członek Srebrny od 12.09.2017 r.