fems alumni bulletin

Our famous FEMS Webinars are back! Join us on 22nd September at 3pm CEST for our FEMS Microbiology Ecology Webinar on Microbial Ecology in a Changing Climate. The interplay of microbial communities and the changing climate is a complex issue. This webinar explores the results from 3 recent papers that discover the effects of climate change on microbial ecosystems.Register here
FEMS2023 – Save the date!FEMSDGHM and VAAM invite you to the 10th Congress of European Microbiologists, taking place in Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 July 2023! Join us at an event dedicated to showcasing the latest developments in microbiology and connect to microbiologists from all over the world.Starting from October 2022, registration will open AND you can submit an abstract application for oral or poster presentation of your research (see our main categories), or oral presentation in one of the workshops (see workshop titles) AND abstract submission for the Congress Attendance Grant will open!More info
It’s nearly IMD2022!
Many projects, events and initiatives are coming together to celebrate IMD2022 this year!· IMD Events happening globally! If you want to organize your own IMD event we provide you with an Events Handbook· New blogs: Blood Rain, Blood Snow: Curse or Science? and Microbes to the Rescue: Shaping and Saving the futureMore infoMicrobe Art CompetitionOur much loved Microbe Art Contest is coming back again this year to support IMD! Help celebrate the wondrous world of microbes by getting creative and sharing your art! Our categories include best agar art, cartoon, paining, photography and physical piece.Deadline to enter 11 SepMore infoNew podcast episode: six recent microbe developments for IMD
Looking forward to IMD  Eleni Koursari and Joseph Shuttleworth chat about six recent microbe-themed developments perhaps unknown to you. From the largest bacterium, disease curing microbes, to shoe-making bacteria and bacteria-powered electronics, there is something in this episode for everyone!Listen now
Join our growing events team!Our events team is looking for a new colleague! Are you looking for a 6 month employment working on logistics and events? Then don’t hesitate and write to us now!We are looking to expand our team with a colleague that will oversee the day-to-day logistical management of our events, assist in planning and preparation, administer sections our website and help to draft and distribute our newsletters. If this sounds like you, have a look at the full job description and apply!More about the role
#FEMSmicroBlog Writing Competition: And the winners are…Constantine by Daniel Thomas Lopez (UK)A Culture of Hope by Jen and L.D. Nguyen (USA)Green by Leonid Digel (Denmark)The Moralbiont by Jason Bosch (Czech Republic)Municipal Fungal Engineer by Rokas Juodeikis (UK)Mutiny by Gavin Douglas (Canada)Not I, But We by Jessica Mikenas (USA)The Phage of Heroes by Iris Floria (United Kingdom)A Second Hope by Morgan Feeney (UK)The Sole Survivor by Athanasios Christopoulos (Greece)
Grants Corner
FEMS Grants quick links and deadlinesMeeting Attendance Grants: 1 Sep 2022Meeting Organizer Grants: 1 Dec 2022Research and Training Grants: 1 Jan 2023Industry Placement Grants: 1 Feb 2023Our grant portfolioIncreased support is available for Early Career Microbiologists caught up in the war in UkraineOur FEMS Ukraine Support Grant contributes up to €7,500 for travel, accommodation, and some living costs to enable the grantee to undergo research and training at a European host institution (academic or industrial).More info
FEMS Journal News
Call for papers· Making the Invisible Visible in STEMM (6 Sep deadline)· Emerging role of chromatin remodeling in the persistence and elimination of microbial pathogens· Extracellular Vesicles· Advances in the Study of Obligate Intracellular Bacterial Pathogens· Bacterial-Viral Coinfections· Biofilms (15 April 2023 deadline)Our journalsExplore the Scientific Careers of microLife EditorsLiving a bacterial lifestyle as an academic researcher – the scientific life of Melanie Blokesch, Global Health Institute, EPFL (Switzerland)A microbiologist can’t let their sourdough die – the scientific life of Prof. Judith Behnsen University of Illinois (USA) Microbes live in a society, just like us – the scientific life of Prof. Philippe Sansonetti, Pasteur Institute (France)Explore this volumeFEMS Journals award best poster prizesThe FEMS Journals awarded 13 poster prizes at a range of microbiology events in 2022 so far.Read our interviews with the winners hereWe would like to send our congratulations to everyone once again!Meet the FEMS Journals poster prize winners
FEMS Opportunities Board, your go to place for microbiology jobs, events, grants and more!
Here are the top monthly pics from our Opportunities Board. It is as easy to view opportunities as it is to add them!1. Postdoc in Agricultural and Environmental Microbiology: Italy2. Postdoc in fungal ecology with GlobalFungi: Czech Republic3. 14th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting “Life Sciences – now more than ever”Go to our Opportunities Board
Changes in the Events teamWe are happy and proud to announce our new member of the FEMS Team: Events Partnerships Officer Bruno Hasa. He will be the FEMS contact for everything related to exhibition, sponsorship and advertising.We also have to say goodbye to someone: our colleague Malin Inzinger, will leave FEMS from September. You may have known Malin if you have attended one of our events in the past year. She is moving on to new adventures – and as we wish her luck on her career change, we will sorely miss her.Meet the FEMS teamIn memoriam Josep Casadesús
Josep Casadesús, professor and vitalist microbiologist, dies at 70 years of age.Josep Casadesús was Professor of Genetics at the University of Seville, and devoted his life to Salmonella enterica as a model organism of bacterial pathogenesis and microbial genetics. Nothing is small in microbiology, because microbes, even a single microbe, offers the most complete picture of Nature, of all Life. That is why those who love a microbe love life; that is why our friend – he will forever remain our friend – is a vitalist microbiologist. Read the full obituary
Copyright © Federation of European Microbiological Societies, All rights reserved.Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. 

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O Towarzystwie

Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologów Celem Polskiego Towarzystwa Mikrobiologów jest propagowanie rozwoju nauk mikrobiologicznych i popularyzowanie osiągnięć mikrobiologii wśród członków Towarzystwa oraz szerokich kręgów społeczeństwa. Formami działalności jest organizowanie zjazdów, posiedzeń naukowych, kursów, wykładów i odczytów oraz konkursów prac naukowych; wydawanie i popieranie wydawania czasopism naukowych, książek i innych publikacji z dziedziny mikrobiologii; opiniowanie o stanie i potrzebach mikrobiologii polskiej i występowanie w jej sprawach wobec władz państwowych; współpraca z pokrewnymi stowarzyszeniami w kraju i zagranicą.
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