Events Corner
Abstract and Grant Submissions for FEMS2023 are opening! Save this important dates to your calendar!3 October 2022: Abstract & Grants Submission open1 January 2023: Registration Opens1 February 2023: Abstract & Grants Submission deadline Go to FEMS2023 website
International Microorganism Day 2022IMD2022 was a fantastic success with 40 events happening throughout the world! Thank you to all of our event organizers and community for supporting IMD2022! With several new blogs published, don’t forget to keep visiting our website across the year to keep yourself entertained and informed until IMD2023!IMD website
Webinar on Microbial Ecology in a Changing ClimateYou can now watch the recording of our recent FEMS Microbiology Ecology  webinar. This webinar explores the results from 3 recent papers that discover the effects of climate change on microbial ecosystems.Read the accompanying Special Issue: Microbes in a changing climateWatch nowSummer School for Postdocs 2022We have just finished another very successful FEMS Summer School for Postdocs (3-13 Sep 2022, Croatia) with the theme Microbiology for a Sustainable Future. 19 talented Postdocs and 10 distinguished speakers-mentors attended.Curious to learn more about our Summer School for Postdocs? Then click the link below.More infoFEMS CouncilThe first hybrid Council meeting in the history of FEMS took place this month, where many important items for FEMS and Microbiology were discussed.Briefly, two new talented Directors were elected, delegates received updates from the European Academy of Microbiology, the new FEMS Policy & Business Network was presented and we put forward ideas for the 50th Anniversary celebrations of FEMS.More info
Three of our grants are increasing their support!
To further support our growing microbiology community, we are increasing the amount offered for three of our grants! We appreciate that costs are increasing in many areas so we hope that this will better reflect the current needs of our community.Research and Training Grants: from €4000 to €5000Meeting Attendance Grants: from €600 to €750Ukraine Support Grant: from €6000 to €7500Also keep an eye on the upcoming grant deadlines!Meeting Organizer Grants: 1 Dec 2022Research and Training Grants: 1 Jan 2023Industry Placement Grants: 1 Feb 2023
Two new awards launched!
We recognize excellence in microbiology and its contribution to society through our high-profile awards programme. With the launch of two new awards, we aim to strengthen connections between academia and industry and support career development for microbiologists in applied microbiology, and help promote the importance of microbiology education.Industry & Innovation Award (Nomination deadline: 1 December 2022)Education Development Award (Nomination deadline: 1 December 2022)Read more about the FEMS Awards
Congratulations to our competition winners
#FEMSmicroBlog Writing Competition Winner
Gavin Douglas with his flash fiction story „Munity” is the winner of our #FEMSmicroBlog writing competition!A rogue researcher far out at sea has second thoughts about her mission at the last minute. The mission – upregulation of microbially-produced sulfur aerosols – can help counter the greenhouse effect. But is the science there yet? And what could be the unintended consequences?Read the short story: Mutiny#MicrobeArt2022 WinnersCongratulations to all our #MicrobeArt2022 winners and a special shout out to Grand Prize Winner, Sergio Martínez!The well-loved Microbe Art Competition made its come back to celebrate International Microorganism Day 2022. Thank you to everyone that participated! On the 17th September we announced the winners and showcased their creations. Meet the MicrobeArt2022 winners
FEMS Journal News
Call for papers· Emerging role of chromatin remodeling in the persistence and elimination of microbial pathogens· Extracellular Vesicles· Advances in the Study of Obligate Intracellular Bacterial Pathogens· Bacterial-Viral Coinfections· BiofilmsOur journalsPublishing Open Access without charges in FEMS journalsMany authors are eligible to publish Open-Access for free in the FEMS journals. Oxford University Press, the publishing partner of FEMS, has made Read and Publish agreements with hundreds of institutions around the world to arrange funding for open access publishing. This means authors from participating institutions from all over the world can publish their papers Open Access whereby their institution pays the charge.These agreements always include the five FEMS “hybrid” journals while  our two full Open Access journals microLife and FEMS Microbes are often covered too.
Find if your institution is participating
Thank You to our FEMS Reviewers in 2022In honour of Peer Review week 2022, we would like to sincerely thank all reviewers for the seven FEMS Journals.Reviewers are the unsung heroes of every reputable scholarly journal. With their subject expertise and voluntary work, they provide an invaluable contribution for the advancement of science.Soon, reviewers for FEMS journals will be able to download a certificate for their work done to help advance microbiology.See all reviewers
Opportunities in microbiology
FEMS Opportunities BoardHere are the top monthly pics from our Opportunities Board. It is as easy to view opportunities as it is to add them!1.  VAAM Annual Conference 20232.  Postdoc in Environmental Microbiology: Ireland3. PhD in Intestinal Microbiology: NorwayGo to our Opportunities BoardVolunteer with us!
We are looking for two new volunteer Journal Social Media Editors (JSMEs). Their role will be to read the latest microbiological research published in our journals FEMS Microbiology Letters and Pathogens and Disease, and produce well-made social media posts about these papers for our audience on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.Deadline to apply 17 October 2022More info
News from our community
Expanding the international FEMS Ambassador programWe are pleased to announce an expansion of the FEMS Ambassador program, which was launched in 2019 to advance microbiology and support microbiologists outside Europe.An enthusiastic group of new Deputy Ambassadors based in seven non-European countries has been appointed this summer. They will work together with the current group of FEMS Ambassadors to encourage international collaborations and participation in FEMS activities.Meet the FEMS AmbassadorsBacteriaGame: learn clinical microbiology in a fun wayThe French Society for Microbiology has supported the development of a new card game, that helps people learn more on clinical microbiology.„BacteriaGame” has been created at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord, thanks to a collaboration between a medical bacteriologist (Mathilde Lescat) and the Ludomaker (Nicolas Pineros). The English language version of the game has now launched and is available to purchase. It makes a great gift for anybody interested in clinical microbiology!More info about BacteriaGame
Flora Fauna FungaFungi are a crucial part of the ecosystem and essential for countless applications and processes, yet research on them lags behind, and conservation efforts are less compared to other organisms.The Flora Fauna Funga initiative aims at changing this. This starts with a name – adding “funga” when referring to the conservation of plants (flora) and animals (fauna). You can read their statement and sign it below.“We are unthinkable without fungi, yet seldom do we think about them. It is an ignorance we can’t afford to sustain.”Read the statement
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O Towarzystwie

Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologów Celem Polskiego Towarzystwa Mikrobiologów jest propagowanie rozwoju nauk mikrobiologicznych i popularyzowanie osiągnięć mikrobiologii wśród członków Towarzystwa oraz szerokich kręgów społeczeństwa. Formami działalności jest organizowanie zjazdów, posiedzeń naukowych, kursów, wykładów i odczytów oraz konkursów prac naukowych; wydawanie i popieranie wydawania czasopism naukowych, książek i innych publikacji z dziedziny mikrobiologii; opiniowanie o stanie i potrzebach mikrobiologii polskiej i występowanie w jej sprawach wobec władz państwowych; współpraca z pokrewnymi stowarzyszeniami w kraju i zagranicą.
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