Summer School >Innovative approaches for the identification of antiviral agents<
Summer School entitled >>Innovative approaches for the identification of antiviral agents<<, fourth edition.
The Summer School will take place in Pula (Cagliari, Italy) from September 24th to September 28th 2018, with the patronage of the European Society for Virology, the Federation of European
Microbiological Societies, the Italian Society for Microbiology and Molecular Biology, the International Antiviral Symposium Foundation and the Sardinia Ricerche Research agency, Roche.
All the information are available at
The goal is to allow young scientists (PhD students and young post-docs) to meet and interact with internationally-recognized experts in the field, recognizing that successful mentoring requires a
combination of critically reviewing scientific literature, sharing ideas and discussing new paradigms for future research.
The summer school will be of 4 full working days (plus arriving and departure days) that will be organized into:
i) a morning series of plenary lectures from experts in the field
ii) an afternoon series of presentation of young scientistsâ research
iii) an evening series of small thematic discussion groups
Currently the panel of speakers includes:
- Graciela ANDREI (KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)
- Daniel APPELLA (NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA)
- Maurizio BOTTA (University of Siena, Siena, Italy)
- Andrea BRANCALE (Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK)
- Raffaele DE FRANCESCO (INGM, Milano, Italy)
- Simona DISTINTO (University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy)
- Reuben HARRIS (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
- Michelle HASTINGS (Rosalind Franklin University, Chicago, USA)
- Zlatko JANEBA (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic)
- Stuart F. J. LE GRICE (NCI, Frederick, MD, USA)
- Stephan LUDWIG (University of Munster, Munster, Germany)
- Thomas MERTENS (Ulm University, Germany)
- Giorgio PALU (University of Padova, Padova, Italy)
- Cristina PAROLIN (University of Padova, Padova, Italy)
- Vincenzo SUMMA (IRBM, Rome, Italy)
In addition there will be also a Round Table on >working in a company after the PhD< with:
- Stuart Le Grice (NIH, USA), Franco Lori (Virostatics, Italy),
- Timothy Tellinghusein (Hoffmann-LA Roche, Switzerland)
- Vincenzo Summa (IRBM, Italy).
We will accept ~40-50 young scientists, that will pay a 250 fee (no-further accommodation cost will be charged). The Summer School will be held at the Sardegna Ricerche Research Park
( and at the Hotel Flamingo, Santa Margherita di Pula, (, which are close to the
Cagliari airport.
In order to enroll, students will have to apply by sending an abstract according to the summer school format and will be selected according to their contribute and Curriculum Vitae.
This year both the European Society for Virology and Roche already agreed to award travel grants to a limited number of worthy applicants in order to support their attendance to the meeting. The indications to apply for the travel grant are available at
Of course the meeting is also open to elder scientists. You can find all the information about at the link
The deadline for participation is June 30th.